
tim with car

If I took care of myself like I take care of my car, I’d probably live forever!

Let’s face it, most men take better care of their cars and trucks than they do their personal health and hygiene!  I didn’t make that up, I actually read it here on WebMD.  I thought it was so good that it was worth repeating and using here on our product review blog for men.  It really struck a chord with me!

Watch this brief overview video on the types of products we’ll be reviewing.

You’ll see that we stop at nothing to expose the truth about bad products, as well as share our personal experiences with products we’ve personally used, tested, and fully endorse.  (Look for the seal of approval.  Read more here.)

Health and Wellness Product Reviews for Men

When I decided to make a website that reviewed products for men, I looked around at the stuff that I usually buy for myself.  Health and general wellness products were a natural fit.  Whether I use them to their fullest extent, or not, remains to be seen, but I do purchase a lot of protein powders, pre-workout drinks, and many more items that are geared towards bringing out the best in whatever old man strength my 37 year old body has left in the tank!

This section of the website really hits home with me.  Cancer runs in my family, as does a deep history of athletics.  Everyone from my Grandparents down remain very active and like to pretend they are still the best at sports ranging from hockey, soccer, tennis, golf, and pretty much anything that can bring out the competitive nature in each other.  As a life long sports fan and ex collegiate level soccer player I’ve always liked to play sports and maintain a level of activity that keeps me healthy.  Eating healthy, well, that’s another thing.  It’s hard to say no to my favorite beers and tequilas, especially after a long day of work.  But hey, we all have our vices.

As us men mature into our 30’s, there is a list of ten things we must look into, according to How Stuff Works.  Here’s a review of the list for your own knowledge.  We will be reviewing products and devices that help us address all of these issues and have them for your enjoyment in the coming months!  This is evergreen and we always have new product reviews, so join our newsletter to see the latest and greatest stuff for guys!

Note:  As we find products or devices that can help anything on this list, we’ll make note of them and link you to our reviews.

10.  Bone Health

9.  Prostate (Read Also: What Is The Best Thing To Do For Your Enlarged Prostate?)

8.  Yoga

7.  Eating Less

6.  Listen to Your Heart

5.  Visit Your Doctor

4.  Beware of Testicular Cancer

3.  Develop Your Core

2.  Get Your T Tested 

(looking for a nitric oxide booster?)  Click here to read about Mascugen.

1. Be Merry




Shield Yourself Now

Lewis Gordon is a successful businessman living in Boston, Massachusetts. When he’s not working, he enjoys travelling – especially tasting other cuisines, scuba diving, watching and playing soccer. Lewis also has a love of dogs and is the proud owner of an English Setter.

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