dirty martiniA Dirty Martini? Sounds like a Martini in a dirty glass, but any self-respecting bartender will create a Dirty Martini for you.

What is a Dirty Martini? It’s a martini with the addition of either olive juice or olive brine, depending on either your preference if you are making it at home or the way the bartender makes it for you.



The Great Dirty Martini Debate – Juice or Brine?

Before we get into the nitty gritty of whether the best dirty martini is made from olive juice or olive brine, I found this on YouTube and just had to share:

What a classic putdown – guys, beware if you order your date a dirty martini!!

The olive juice or brine makes the martini cloudy, that’s is where the name dirty comes from.  Is there actually any difference between juice and brine? The general answer is ‘No’ – it’s just that brine doesn’t sound as tasty as juice, so the dirty martini connoisseurs tend to call the salty mixture ‘juice’ as it sound much more appealing.

How To Get Down & Dirty At Home

dirty martini man

You can just use the liquid from a jar of olives to transform your martini, the more expensive the olives the deeper flavor the olive juice/brine is likely to have.

Here’s a recipe to make your own olive juice, that way you don’t have to keep wasting jars of olives just for the brine. (This recipe comes from http://cocktails.lovetoknow.com/)

Make Your Own Olive Juice for Dirty Martinis

Olive juice, or brine, doesn’t come from the olives themselves like olive oil does. It is simply a mixture of salt, vinegar and water, although the olives do add some flavor. Making your own dirty martini olive juice is fairly simple.


  • 2 cups green olives
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons salt


  • 1 glass jar and lid (Recycling an old olive jar is fine.)
  • Wooden spoon


  1. Put the olives in the glass jar, and press them well with the wooden spoon to release their natural juices.
  2. Mix the water, vinegar, and salt, and pour the mixture over the olives. Be sure the mixture covers the olives, but leave some airspace at the top of the jar.
  3. Seal the container tightly with the lid, and shake it vigorously. This action blends the mixture and allows the olives to release a little more flavor.
  4. Refrigerate the jar, and be sure to shake it again before using the juice. The longer the mixture is allowed to sit, the stronger the olive brine becomes.
  5. Repeat this process until you’ve finished your olives, and you’ll never have to waste them again.


Once you’ve made your own olive juice to just the right level of saltiness to suit your palate, head over to our dirty martini recipe page and practice perfecting your own recipe to impress your guests with.

Now you have your perfect Dirty Martini, why not take a look at other types of martini cocktails and test all of them?



Shield Yourself Now

Lewis Gordon is a successful businessman living in Boston, Massachusetts. When he’s not working, he enjoys travelling – especially tasting other cuisines, scuba diving, watching and playing soccer. Lewis also has a love of dogs and is the proud owner of an English Setter.

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