Now is the Time to Start Drinking Wine

Now is the Time to Start Drinking Wine

Although beer remains the most popular drink among American men according to Gallup’s annual Consumption Habits Poll, an increasing number of men are braving unchartered territory in search of the perfect glass of vino. There are many theories as to why wine...
Why People Are Hooked On The Tinder Dating App

Why People Are Hooked On The Tinder Dating App

It wasn’t too long ago that finding the perfect prom date to go with was next to impossible. It wasn’t too long ago that women would hang out in bars for hours with a single cocktail in hand waiting for someone to come up and say hi either. If you think back now, the...
How To Choose The Best Frame For Oil Painting?

How To Choose The Best Frame For Oil Painting?

Framing an oil painting is an artwork that takes in-depth knowledge about the painting techniques and different art forms. Also, the skills that dexterous individuals acquire after good practice! Different types of frames provide a more-finished look to the painting,...