About John Johnson

John “Big John” Johnson is a serial fun seeker, a lover of craft beer, and enjoys all things adult beverage related. A dedicated online marketer and SEO, he has been described as “Peter Pan with German Work Ethic”. John is also a sleight of hand magician with serious chops, enjoys riding Harleys, practicing martial arts and travel.
Here are my most recent posts
by John Johnson | Jun 25, 2018 | Adult Beverages, Editors in Action
Concerts and Craft Beer. That is something I’ve added to my summer kinda, sorta vacation. The craft beer is a given. We know that. The concerts are unexpected. I have my one of my sisters to thank for that. She decided we needed to hit as many concerts as possible...
by John Johnson | Jun 18, 2018 | Adult Beverages, Editors in Action
Man, I just don’t know what the hell is going on. I’ve been laying out plans for my summer close to home vacay. I have all kinds of places that I need to hit. Lots of craft beers at these places with friends, that’s for sure. And what happens? Nada. Zip. Zilch. Epic...
by John Johnson | Jun 11, 2018 | Explanations
The question is, “Why keep a checkbook?” Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But this is a question that can be taken three different ways. If you are totally “into” the digital age you may think that a checkbook is obsolete. You may think with online banking, direct deposits,...
by John Johnson | Jun 11, 2018 | Adult Beverages, Lifestyle
Summer is in full force here in my part of Illinois. That means summer vacation time for me. I slow down my work schedule during the summer months so I can have some fun. Fun for me is getting in the water, riding my Harley-Davidson, doing a little traveling, and...
by John Johnson | Jun 9, 2018 | Explanations
A check register is an essential part of having a checking account. This is where you keep track of all the activity in your checkbook. Sometimes people will use duplicate checks too. In your checking account at the bank, money goes in and money comes out often. The...