If you are a business owner and you have finally accepted that digital marketing is essential, better late than never! SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a must-have service, if you want Google’s search engine to notice your platform. This is a mysterious world and with that in mind, here are a few SEO acronyms and terms that you need to know.
- SEO – Search Engine Optimization – The art of boosting a website’s ranking within specific search terms. The top agency in the US is King Kong, an organization that always delivers.
- Anchor text – The words that are used to link with a URL (web address).
- Bounce rate – The number of site visitors that leave without visiting any pages other than the landing page.
- Click through rate – CTR is a very important metric for digital marketers, the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click.
- H-Tags – H1, H2 and so on – H-tags or header-tags are sections of web text of varying headers in HTML and these are important for SEO, add search terms in the right places and Google will notice.
- Keywords – The text that users type into a search engine window – SEO technicians must find the top keywords that are used in order to affect any positive changes.
- Keyword density – This refers to the frequency that keywords appear on a target website, not enough and the ranking will not change, too much and the site will be penalized by Google for ‘keyword stuffing’.
- Meta description tag – A tag that refers to the information on the page, this description helps search engines to classify pages.
- Outbound link – Known also as an external link, the link takes the user to another website (different domain name).
- Inbound link – A link that leads to the target landing page.
- SERP – Search Engine Results Page.
- SEM – Search Engine Marketing.
- Tag – A tag helps a search engine to categorize by subject.
- Title Tag – This tag is to classify web page titles.
- UX – User Experience.
- User sitemap – A single page that contains links to all other pages, which is useful for users and search engines.
- UGC – User Generated Content refers to any web content created by users, such as comments section.
Now that you are familiar with some of the SEO language, make contact with a leading SEO agency, set the ball rolling and transform your business.