Detoxify Mega Clean is a detox drink which is used by many users to cheat on their drug tests and pass them. It comes with accompanying products such as Xxtra Clean and users recommend that it should be used with other methods of toxin removal such as exercise, drinking lots of water and green tea and so on. The Xxtra Clean and the Ready Clean are more for small scale users and casual users while Mega Clean is the real deal.
Mega Clean is a well known herbal detox drink and in sales and results it has beaten other popular products such as Qcarbo32 and Stinger. However (this is indicated by the brand also) it is not enough to guarantee that you will pass your test. You will need to abstain for some time and also keep synthetic urine at the ready if your home test indicates that you still have detectable THC in your system.
The price is $69.95 which is a lot given that they do not give any guarantees but many users rely on this solely and find that coupled with exercise and good diet, this drink is enough to get them through their tests.
One of the great pros of using this detox drink is that it works on people who are obese as well as heavy users. Of course it takes longer to cleanse the system of toxins in this case but in two weeks it can work wonders. For people with far less body fat and a more casual usage plan it can work in about 2 to 3 days. It also replenishes the body’s nutrients helping you fake physical fitness and health which is essential for passing your test.
Detoxification Zone
This drink creates this time frame of 5 hours or more in which you have all the nutrients and the clean blood and urine to pass any drug test. The first 3 hours are the most crucial and give the best results so make sure you are submitting your sample on time for maximum effect. Just to be double sure test first at home or repeat the process of having the drink in intervals (as indicated) more than once.
Why It Works
The detox works because of a few simple principles. It adds the nutrients which lead to false negatives on a standard test and it also clears your urine of all detectable toxins. Granted that this is only effective for a few hours at most but with a looming drug test ahead, what more could you ask for? The product is marketed not for good health but for passing a test so bear that in mind before you expect miracles.
What It Includes
First you need to take the PreCleanse capsules (there are six of them) and then you go in with the cleansing drink which comes in many flavors such as wild berry or tropical fruit. In any case it beats overdosing on Niacin or Azo to clear your urine.