by Lewis Gordon | Dec 6, 2017 | Adult Beverages, Travel
So, what are the adult beverages people drink in Costa Rica? There are three which are local and well-known Costa Rican alcoholic drinks. The national beer is called Imperial, and the national drink is called Cacique-Guaro. And not forgetting Costa Rican Rum, Ron... by Lewis Gordon | Apr 13, 2016
There are many libations that we consume as men, and this page is brought to you to feature just about every one of them that we come across! Everything from reviews of rare tequilas, to drink recipes, will be shared here. Please stay tuned as the team takes...
by John Johnson | Jun 25, 2018 | Adult Beverages, Editors in Action
Concerts and Craft Beer. That is something I’ve added to my summer kinda, sorta vacation. The craft beer is a given. We know that. The concerts are unexpected. I have my one of my sisters to thank for that. She decided we needed to hit as many concerts as possible...
by John Johnson | May 17, 2018 | Advice for Men, Lifestyle, Travel
Hitting Chicago and having a Wrigley Field Bachelor Party is a dream not only for many “gonna be” grooms but also for their bros. Think about it. A classic American city with a party-hearty history and the legendary Chicago Cubs baseball team playing in the beloved...
by John Johnson | Mar 27, 2018 | Adult Beverages, Advice for Men
Drinking on a budget. Man, I hate those words. I’m the kind of guy that likes to go out and throw down like it’s my last night on the planet…even though I know I can do it again tomorrow night. Sadly, sometimes it pays to be frugal. Even when I have to cheap out...